Our Services

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Jade Intermedia
Marketing Solutions

Much like television, radio, and direct mail, the Internet is a marketing tool with the potential to reach your customers. Over 75% of Internet users go online to find information about companies, products, and services. Jade Intermedia can turn Internet users into customers by matching their needs directly to the products and services that your company provides.

Our commitment and expertise in online marketing helps our clients get results. We have a proven track record of helping a wide variety of companies achieve increased Web site traffic, new sales leads, and higher returns on their marketing dollars. Our Internet marketing services are customized to fit your needs. Best of all, we work closely with each of our clients to ensure customer satisfaction and outstanding results.

Advantages Of Using Our Internet Marketing Services:

* Proven track record of boosting client sales and conversions
* Expert marketing advice from a group of online marketing professionals
* Personalized consultations and free estimates
* Ability to provide both fast results and long-term success
* Budget-friendly services and pricing
* Precise ROI tracking and performance feedback
* Complete solutions from an experienced online marketing company

Jade Intermedia Services
A successful online marketing campaign begins with a solid plan. Jade Intermediaworks closely with each client to design, develop, and deploy a solid campaign. Our team of Web promotion specialists will provide expert consultation and customize your marketing plan using the following Internet marketing services:

Search Engine Optimization
When people turn to the Internet for information, they commonly use a search engine to find what they need. Jade Intermediauses search engine optimization to make your Web site rank better in today’s most popular search engines, including Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. This increases your visibility on the Internet and increases the number of visitors to your Web site.

Our SEO experts will work with you to create the perfect optimization plan for your Web site. Often this involves identifying keywords and phrases, reworking site content, and building strong links to your Web site. By focusing on your individual needs, we ensure that your Web site will see improved results through search engine optimizations and rankings.

Pay Per Click Advertising
Whether you’re an international corporation or a small, Harrisburg area business, Internet advertising can be confusing and complicated. Jade Intermediamakes online advertising simple, matching your ads to the right customers. We can create text and banner advertisements for display on popular Web sites. Usually, there is a small fee for each time the ad is shown to a Web viewer.

Pay per click advertisements appear next to the results on search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. Unlike most banner ads, your PPC ads will only be displayed to qualified potential customers who search for specific keywords. Cost-effective and efficient, you will only pay for the ads that send visitors to your Web site on a “per click” basis. Vamp’s team will work directly with you to setup advertising programs like Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search Marketing (Overture) as well as manage the long-term success of your Internet marketing campaign.

Web Site Promotion And Marketing
People love to read, share, and learn online. Jade Intermediauses these factors to build great Web site promotions which turn Internet users into your customers. Our promotional Internet marketing services use some of today’s most exciting Web technologies to create buzz. These include blogs, contests, forums, social networks, and online public relations.

Our experience in viral marketing can achieve solid results within the bounds of your budget. Simply put, viral marketing uses the social aspects of the Internet such as forums, email, and social networks along with popular Web sites like YouTube to grab the attention of your customers and encourage them to create marketing buzz. This can turn a small marketing campaign into a larger Internet sensation. Coupled with giveaways, public relations, and other promotions, online viral marketing can lead to a strong return on investment.

SEO Copywriting
Your Web site’s page content is important both for your customers and for search engines. Any online marketing company can write copy, but only Jade Intermediawith our team of Web copywriters can create a perfect blend of keyword focused content. The result is a clear, user-friendly Web page that will grab great search engine rankings.

Our SEO copywriting services can create search optimized page content for a new or an existing site. The Vamp team of experts will work closely with you to identify important keywords and phrases as well as narrow the focus of each page. Finally, our writing specialists will craft content that is interesting, original, and appealing to visitors. This will keep your customers coming back for more.

Web Site Statistics And Reporting
An essential part of keeping your Web site’s business successful is to know how well your site is working. Online marketing makes it easy to see a direct relationship between the money you spend on marketing and the visitors, leads, and sales you acquire. Statistics are especially important for building strong location-based marketing initiatives.

Jade Intermedia stands firmly behind the performance of its clients’ Web sites, providing indepth reports that show real returns on investment. Using statistical analysis, we can gauge everything from the most popular pages and content on your site to which search engines and keywords refer the most traffic. Besides demonstrating your ROI, frequent site reporting can identify underperforming part of your current online marketing campaign and quickly get it back on track.